Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The language of Angels: Enochian

          Enochian symbols, sigils, and speaking is used many times when the angels become a big part of the brothers fate. The language is used by the angels up in heaven and they are the only ones who can really understand it unless they are prophets of the lord like chuck Shurley.
          The symbolic language can also be used against the angels at times too. If an angel wants to keep something hidden from all angels it puts sigils on it which "hides it from angel radar".

            When the angels were after Sam and Dean to try and force them to say yes to Michael and Lucifer, Castiel carved the Enochian sigil onto their ribs so that no angel, not even him, could detect them down on earth. Around this time, Castiel had to get a cell phone to stay in touch with the brothers. After a while, the angels caught onto this and made fun of him.
Castiel also showed Same and Dean the Enochian Sigil of Protection. This sigil is used in times of quick thinking, so if the brothers are swarmed with angels all surrounding them, if they have this sigil drawn in blood laying around they can send all the angels in the area all jumbled up somewhere else around the world. It gives them enough time to either get out of where they are, or get prepared for a fight.

          The brothers use more sigils when Balthazar comes and tries to help the brother's get away from Raphael. He wanted to kill them, not hand them over to Michael and Lucifer. So Balthazar uses a sigil to jump the brothers to a different reality where they were no longer hunters. So instead they were actors on a television series called supernatural. It confused the brothers to the point that they didn't know what was going on anymore, until Raphael came trying to kill them, making everything more realistic for them again.  

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Stalker Girl

          After meeting Chuck Shurley, the boys go back to hunting. However, when Chuck needs to get a message to them about his latest prophecy he doesn't know about doing so. So he calls up the girl who is the book series' biggest fan. After first calming down about the realization that her dram has come true she races over to meet the brothers. Her name is Becky.

Becky: Oh my God! You. You’re -
Chuck: Carver Edlund. Yeah. Hi, Becky.
Becky: You got my letters and my marzipan.
Chuck: Yeah, yeah. Um, yummy. But, uh -
Becky: I am your number one fan. You know, I’m Samlicker81.
Chuck: I’m sorry, you're what?
Becky: Webmistress at
Chuck: Oh, yeah, no yeah. You’re my number one fan! That’s why I contacted you. You’re the only one who’ll believe me.
Becky: Are you alright?
Chuck: No, I’m being watched. Okay, not now, at least I don’t think so. But I don’t have much time. I need your help.
Becky: You need MY help?!
Chuck: That’s right. I need you to get a message to Sam and Dean. Okay?
Becky: Look, Mr. Edlund. Yes, I’m a fan, but I really don’t appreciate being mocked. I know that Supernatural's just a book, okay? I know the difference between fantasy and reality.
Chuck: Becky, it’s all real.
Becky: [extremely excited] I knew it!!

          Becky is in love with everything Supernatural, but she is definitely a fan of Sam and doesn't care so much for Dean. She obsesses over Sam so much, to the point that it's scary. She strongly believes that Sam and her are destined to be together, so she goes as far as making a deal with a demon.
                   The deal she makes with the demon is no ordinary deal. She doesn't even know at the time that she's making a deal. She just thinks that she is getting poison from a witch. This poison is so strong that it forces Sam to feel like he is in love with Becky. But the doses given to her are getting less and less effective so she eventually makes a deal. When under the spell of the love potion Sam and Becky get married while Dean is away on his own hunting trip with a new hunter by the name of Garth. After coming out of the trance completely, Sam gets a divorce with her and a restraining order. This was the last time the brothers ever saw of Becky again.  

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Supernatural, the books... Wait, what?

               One day the brothers were on a regular job when they went into a comic book store to do some investigating. Then the clerk finds them and thinks that they are LARPing. (live action roll play) He shows the brothers a collection of books by Carver Edlund which makes the brothers annoyed so they then drop their original case to find out who the author of their lives was.

              They finally find Carver Edlund, which is the pen name for Chuck Shurley. He is a crazy drunken messed up guy who lives in a run down shack. He only spends his days writing stories of two brothers hunting creatures.

            When Dean gets frustrated with the fact that Chuck knows all about their secret life and is publishing and letting the world know about them, he tries to hurt him. But then Castiel the angel comes in stopping him instantly.

"He's a prophet of the lord." ~Castiel

          Chuck can tell what happens to the brothers through crazy dreams he gets that only alcohol can fix for him. The dreams tell him in great detail what will happen to the brothers. 

"It's like a roadmap of what not to do, so if chuck says go left.... we go right." 
                                                                                                                     ~Dean and Sam

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Soulless Sam

Castiel: Sam's soul has been locked in the cage with Michael and Lucifer for more than a year. And they have nothing to do but take their frustrations out on him. Do you understand? If we try to force that mutilated thing down Sam's gullet, we have no idea what will happen. It could be catastrophic.
Dean: You mean he dies.
Castiel: I mean he doesn't. Paralysis. Insanity. Psychic pain so profound that he's locked inside himself for the rest of his life.       

          When Sam jumps into the cage with Micheal and Lucifer he mysteriously comes out immediately. The only problem is that he left a part of him inside the cage still being tortured by Micheal and Lucifer. This was his soul. His body felt more powerful without a soul because then there was nothing holding him back and telling him not to do anything. But Dean could obviously see that there was a problem and when Sam sat back and let Dean be turned into a vampire, Dean knew there was something terribly wrong.
          The rest of the hunting family all knew this about Sam and just allowed it because it made him a better hunter. Dean went straight to Castiel about this matter and from then on was focused on only one thing, and that was getting Sam's soul back in place. They soon find out that it was Crowley that pulled Sam out of the cage and Samuel down from heaven for his own secret agenda to be played out at a later date.

Dean: We have been going on these freaking Crowley runs, and it's not getting us anywhere.
Sam: Dean.
Dean: I mean, the only thing that's really changed is now I need a daily rape shower.
Sam: Okay, you're right. Let's go with Plan B. Oh yeah, we don't have one. So until we do, sorry dude, stock up on soap-on-a-rope.
          However, Crowley said that he could help Sam... but only if they helped him with what he was trying to find. So the brother's agreed to go along with Crowley's plan until they find out that Crowley has no possible way inside the cage, nor does he have the authority to inter fear with it. So then Dean goes onto Plan B, which is talking to Death.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Meet the Family Part 2

          When Sam went into the cage with Micheal and Lucifer, Dean went off for a year to live with Lisa and Ben. A year later Sam finds Dean changed into the "Apple Pie Life." However Dean suddenly snaps back into the hunter's way once a strange out break of odd omens. Sam then introduces the Campbell s,  Mary's side of the family.
Samuel Campbell:
          Samuel is Mary's mother and the brother's grandfather. He was born in 1931 and lived his whole life being a hunter. He was married to Deanna Campbell. He raised his family to do the same until Azazel, the demon killed him in the May of 1973. Then after Sam finds his way out of the cage, Samuel finds himself back on earth and alive again. He was resurrected in 2010 and started up hunting again once gathering the rest of his living family together to help each other out in the life.
"We're guessing whatever pulled Sam up, pulled me down."~ Samuel to Dean
 Mark Campbell

Gwen Campbell:
           Gwen is a third cousin of Sam and Dean on their mother Mary's side of the family. She is another hunter who follows Samuel's leadership. She is a spunky girl who just plans on hunting down monsters.She's a small little person with a strong disposition that looks like she shouldn't be a hunter.She follows the lead of Samuel Campbell while hunting, but does not seem to be fully aware of his overall plans. "My god you have delicate features for a hunter." ~ Gwen to Dean

Christian Campbell:

          Christian is also a hunter like he was raised and is a third cousin related to Sam and Dean's mother Mary's side of the family. It is revealed that he was possessed by a demon for a long time, and because his neck was snapped by the Alpha Vampire, is likely  dead even though his body is still possessed. He is later released from his possession when Dean stabs him with Ruby's Knife, killing both him and the demon, never showing if he was alive in his possessed or not.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Detroit, Blood and the Apocalypse

           Soon the brothers are off going to hunt down the four horsemen and cut off there ring fingers to retrieve the "keys". When going after famine, Sam starts to desire demon blood again. The blood of a demon gives Sam special powers, and he is the only one who can have what he craves and become stronger from it. Lucifer and the horsemen want Sam to get hooked on it again, so he will be ready to be the vessel of Lucifer to start the apocalypse. Lucifer cannot stay in his current vessel because Sam is his true vessel and all other vessels with deteriorate.
          Finally coming to the conclusion that the apocalypse is inevitable, Sam agrees to be Lucifer's vessel. The brothers, along with the help of Castiel and Bobby, go looking for the devil. They track him using Omen's they find in the news. This leads them to Detroit. In almost every encounter with the devil his reminds the brothers that everything will end in Detroit, and he is right. Before Sam can say yes he has to drink a lot of gallons of blood, to allow Lucifer to stay inside and not explode, (kind of ironic).
          After Sam says yes to the Devil, he tries to control him and force him into the cage. However, Lucifer is too powerful and goes off waiting for the final battle with Michael that starts in a field.
          Dean decides that he should be there, because Sam is still in his body with Lucifer, so he wants to help him find some control. After Sam pulls the two angels into the pit, Dean agrees to his promise and goes off to find Lisa, his only true love, and her son Ben. He lives with them for a year and starts a family with them, supernatural free, after he stopped the apocalypse. 

Friday, November 23, 2012

The Rings and the desire for blood

"The Cage you sprung Lucifer from? It's still down there. And maybe, just maybe, you can shove his ass back in.... And here's the big secret, Lucifer himself doesn't even know; the key to the cage? It's out there. Actually it's keys, plural. Four keys, well, four rings. From the Horsemen. You get 'em all, you got the Cage."
                        —Gabriel's message for Sam and Dean
         Lucifer was trapped inside his cage for a long time, and when Sam released him, by accident, he didn't plan on going back inside. After he killed little brother Gabriel, another one of the archangels, Dean and Sam got a message from him. In his message Gabriel, also known as the trickster tells them about the key to the cage.

The rings like magnets, are attracted to each other, so when they are put together they stay together. Once an incantation is said, the cage will be opened. That is the easy part of the operation, though. The hard part, is having Lucifer jump into it. He will not go freely, but if the vessel can take control long enough, they can jump in with Lucifer inside, which is near impossible, and has never been heard of before.