Sunday, October 28, 2012


 Quote: "Dean, there is ten times as much lore about angels as there is about anything else we've ever hunted."
"yeah, you know what? There's a ton of lore on unicorns too. In fact, I hear that they ride on silver moonbeams and they shoot rainbows out of their ass!"
"Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?"
Angels first come into the world of the Winchesters once Dean is raised from Hell. These angels are beings god created as his children. They live up in heaven and go into human vessels, to walk on earth. These angels have to get permission from the vessel before they can enter them. The angels can only be killed by the sword they carry around. The angel which does this is Castiel. He is the only angel that actually sides with the Winchester's. He is a bright blue eyes angel who always wears a trench coat. When he first meets the brothers Castiel has no sense of humor or any type of humanity. However, since being around the Winchetser's for so long, he has grown accustomed to their witty remarks and starts to fall from heaven. 

         A lot of angels are against what Sam and Dean are doing so they get in the way. One of these angels is first known as the trickster, then known as Loki and finally gives out his real identity as Gabriel the arch angel. He is a meddlesome angel who likes to mess with peoples' heads, making sure they get their just desserts. He then tries to help the brothers after one of his  tricks which ended with him killing off Dean hundreds of thousands of times, making Sam relive it. 

        Zachariah is another angel, which enjoys making the Winchesters' lives miserable. He claims that he wants to save the earth. So the brothers figure he means that he wants to stop the apocalypse. This is not the case because he wants to rid the world of the evil humans bring into the world. So he is trying to force the brothers to allow other angels to use them as vessels themselves and allow the Apocalypse to happen the way it was supposed to. 

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