Sunday, October 21, 2012

Dean and the Deal

        Dean Winchester made a decision the night that Sam had to duel another psychic. Sam was fighting  Jake Talley, the special child with superhuman strength. When they were fighting Dean and Bobby were trying to find and save Sam. Once they got to the old abandoned ghost town, it was too late as the two of them rush to Sam from the back stabbing Jake, (literally).
        Bobby tries to tell Dean to just to give Sam a hunters funeral. however, Dean,too heart broken from this traumatic event decides to sell his soul in replacement of Sam's. Dean goes and brings Sam back to life, but with a price. Unlike other deals the crossroads demon only allowed Dean one year to live instead of the usually ten. Desperately Dean takes the year and reunites with his brother. The demon warned Dean that if he found a way out of the deal, Sam would instantly die.
        The year goes by unsuccessfully and Dean can start to see hell fire. As they try to go up against the demon holding his contract he can see the true faces of demons. He also gets dreams of hell hounds and burning in hell. This helps him figure out who to kill in a more efficient manor. However  none of it helps when the clock strikes midnight and the hell hounds use him as a chew toy and drag his soul to the pit.
        After Dean dies, Sam tries to raise him from hell with no luck. Even though it was only four months for Sam on earth it was more like forty years down in hell for Dean. Finally, after that long amount of time, someone or something grabs Dean and yanks him out of hell and back into his body. The only mark on him is of the hand which puled him out.
        The hand will soon be owner of the name, Castiel the angel. He is in a vessel which is like possession only that the human allowed the angel in the body. He is an angel who can smite demons and a lot of other creatures with just the touch of his had to their face. He is a blue eyed man in a suit with a trench coat over it it. he doesn't understand may ways of humans but slowly becomes one as he falls from heaven. 

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