Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Horsemen

        The four horsemen are very powerful, immortals who are thought to be brothers. Their names are War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. They cause widespread destruction all over the face of the Earth under the instruction of Lucifer, during the start of the apocalypse. 

 Known as the Red Horseman, war is the horsemen who appears first out of all of them and contributes to the apocalypse by forcing people to see danger when there really is none. He is able to trick the minds of the people like this through using his pure gold ring.War travels in a red Mustang which represents his red steed.


        Known as the Black Horseman, Famine is the horsemen which when he pollutes the air around him, all are infected with the inner urges and desires that their soul secretly craves more then anything else in the world. He wears a sliver ring that enables him to affect his victim’s inner urges, and needs, which causes them to go insane for what they crave. Famine travels in a black Cadillac Escalate  He also craves something of his own. He is always hungry for souls.

        Known as the Pale Horsemen, Pestilence creates and manipulates the vast spread of infections infestations, infections, sickness and other diseases that are deadly. When he is travelling the way to know he is coming is because  he is accompanied and followed by swarms of flies.He appears third wearing a ring with a green emerald inside and he rides around in a green Hornet Wagon.

         Known as the White Horseman, Death is associated with Famine, War and Pestilence, however he is much older and more powerful than all of them put together. He can kill by creating storms like tsunamis, and hurricanes. He can also kill someone by just bumping into them and giving a simple gesture afterwards like the flick of a shoulder. Death wears a ring with a white stone; unlike his brothers, Death's powers do not come from his ring. Death can also resurrect dead people. Death is not free he is under the control of Lucifer and is forced to act under his direction, but resents him for it. The last time Death was free, "Noah was building a boat". After Lucifer is defeated, death remains free and directs the reapers, and helps return Sam's soul. 

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