Sunday, October 14, 2012

Creatures with Cravings for Flesh

        Creatures are of a wide variety on Supernatural. Vampires is one of the most commonly known creatures that like the taste of human blood.  Vampires are typically blood thirsty and survive on the blood of a human. When they are hungry they become killing machines. Their weak points are that they are sensitive to sunlight and like most other things shrink back from anything holy including Holy water. One way to poison a vampire is to inject them or make them drink a dead man's blood. This will end up stunting the vampire and make it so that they can't move for a long period of time.
        Unlike the stereotypical vampires with two fangs, these vampires have rows and rows of sharp teeth that elongate when they are about to kill. The way a vampire creates another vampire is by forcing a human to drink the vampires blood, or by bleeding on an open would of a human. This will put vampire blood into a humans system making them a vampire as well. Once that person drinks animal or human blood they become a real vampire, so then they can psychically hear instructions from the alpha vampire. They are now immortal until they have there head chopped off by a hunter.
     A Wendigo, is a type of creature that is also immortal like a vampire. They are born killers. These are creatures that were created by soldiers or lost travelers who no longer had any source of food other than other humans. So by becoming a cannibal, these men were gifted with incredible strength and speed. They usually live in secluded area like wide stretches of forest, where some people could just amble along into his clutch.                  Wendigos, are able to go without food for years and still survive. However, when they do end up getting prey, they like to hold onto them and eat them slowly. A Wendigo can hunt in the daylight but thrives at night in dark damp places, like caves. The Wendigos only weakness is fire, this destroys them from existence.  
        Another type of creature known as a Rugaru starts out like a normal human being but by the age of 30 they start to get very hungry. First, they are hungry for everything, but then they narrow their hungry only on long pig. Long Pig is human, once they get their first taste of human flesh, they turn. The way new Rugaroos are created is through a blood line. Before a person knows they are an evil creature they usually have a child, this child will also be a Rugaru and will be the next generation. The only way to kill a Rugaru is by burning it.

        Djinn are immortal creatures that are nocturnal. They have never been known to come out during the day. They are a pale white color with blue eyes and blue life source sucking hands and black tattoo scripts all over their body. Djinn are creature that are supposed to "grant" wishes to you. However, unlike genies, djinn are dark creatures that only "pretend to give you what they want. By capturing you, they put in your mind whatever wish you want spoken out loud or not. This wish is played out in your head as the djinn sucks the life source out of you slowly within a few days, while you are unconscious. The only thing that can kill a djinn is a silver knife dipped in lambs blood.


        Werewolves are one of the other most common flesh eaters. These are the ultimate combination of humans and wolves. These people might not even know they are a werewolf, because they only turn when they are asleep. Unlike the werewolves stereotypical known, these werewolves do not grow into hairy beasts when they turn. However, they do have their nails increase to sharp, long claws, their teeth grow into long fangs and their eyes become wolf-like. The way humans get lycanthropy, also known as the werewolf 'virus' or curse is if another werewolf bites them. When a werewolf hunts they are super strong and have super agility and stamina. They desire one part of the human body the most, that being the heart. Werewolves do choose to eat other parts but never leave the heart behind. The only way to kill this creature is by a silver bullet to the heart.
     Vetalas are creatures that look human before they attack. They have paralyzing venom in their teeth that keeps their victims alive but unable to escape. They are stronger than humans and can rip out their throats with one bite. Vetalas usually work in pairs and are loyal to their partner. Their bites look like vampire bites to confuse the hunters to believe that they are hunting something they're not. Vetalas, like vampires feed on human blood, but like werewolves silver knifes to the heart with a twist to kill them.
        Changelings are creatures with discolored  slimy skin, hollow eyes, and a round mouth with many teeth. They can appear like humans, however their true nature is revealed in a reflection  like a mirror. Changelings like to eat from one food source for as long as possible. They suck the power out of them usually by the back of the neck to hide the bite. The mother changeling steals children. Then other changelings take the place of mothers' children. these children look exactly like the other children only they act differently, evil.  Changelings don't let anything get in the way of their food source. If something does, the changeling will kill it. The mothers will last a few months until they die, then the changelings leave and head to another food source. While these changelings feed, the mother changeling feeds on the children of the mothers. The only way to kill a changeling or mother changeling is with fire. If a hunter burns a mother changeling, the other changelings will die immediately.

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