Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ghosts, Death, and Reapers 'Oh My'

This is Tessa in her pretty form.
        Dean and Sam fight many creatures. However, a reoccurring one is spirits of the un-dead. These are not just monsters that go around with a sheet on their head either. These creatures can kill. Sometimes in the most cruel way possible, too.
This is Tessa in her reaping form.
        Once someone dies, usually of natural causes, a reaper comes to collect there soul. Reapers can appear as regular people that only the dead can see. One time, when Dean died in a car accident, the reaper by the name of Tessa tries to reap him in her natural state. Usually reapers do not look like a pretty girl. They look more gruesome.       However, they will change the way they look to get a soul to come with them to the other side.                                                           If a soul decides not to go with the reaper, that soul will be forced to live on earth until the entirety of the soul burns up and becomes lost in anger and rage. This is called a poltergeist. Like the movie, a poltergeist is a ghost or multiple ghosts that lose all good inside of them and become pure monsters. This is one of the reasons why the reapers do what they do. If a reaper persuades a soul to go to heaven with them, then they will live in eternity, in their happiest of memories.
This is Death.
Reapers work for Death. Death is a horseman who makes sure that the people who are supposed to die, die.  
        There are certain types of ghosts including those of them that have no idea that they are dead, poltergeists, and death echoes. A ghost echo is a spirit that is forced to live the finally moments of their life, which is the way they died. Usually these deaths are horrific and they don't think they are dead so never move on.
        The majority of the time, salting and burning the burns is the main priority. So, Dean Always ends up digging the grave of the spirit. Then using rock salt you dump it around the body and through a lighter in to force the ghost to move on. Unfortunately this approach doesn't always work. Sometimes there is DNA left over like hair, which in some cases is impossible to collect.  For a fast solution to quickly get away from a ghost you can hit them with iron. Iron dissolves the ghost temporarily, that give you enough time to run or create a salt circle.  

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